A settlement was built on the border of the Mediterranean sea in the town of Bastia. We nested ourselves under the cliffs of the harbour with a mixed group of people of different age and background: a radio host show, a beekeeper, a traditional singer, acrobat, actors, dancers …and an adventurous and elegant elderly lady who, during the show at the end of her speech, takes her jewels off as a way of resigning to materialistic, earthly needs.
We worked outside in the open air, endured the hot sun and sudden showers. We pitched our small tents, which thankfully and gracefully withstood the fierce winds. At night during our performances, political speeches, fragmented outcries and roars were echoing and rippling through the hills and the outskirts of the city. Our temporary community wanted to be heard. Our rage ripped the silence and maybe would leave a trace and question outside rules.
At the end of our last performance we received an enthusiastic applause, but we were in for a surprise: in the midst of the bowing an avalanche of eggs plummeted down from the cliffs above us. We were so scared at first, fearing these were stones that we all ran towards the sea. About to jump in, we saw and felt the splattered egg yolk and whites on our costumes, we were baptised as the outsiders. Confused, covered in egg yolk but yet also happy with the applause, one of us returned the sudden attack with a question blasting and echoing through the speakers, meant to be heard up there: “WHY NOT MAKE A GIGANTIC OMELETTE WITH ALL THESE EGGS INSTEAD…WHAT A WASTE!!!!!!” We still don’t know who did it and why. We were upset at first but now it’s seems just a little, ironic enigma…did the settlement trespass the strict territorial claims and laws ruling the island of Corsica? Did the fictional setting became a real settlement of outsiders?

Les Regles Sont Les Regles
- On ne peut plus traverser la mer, on reste dans le campement
- On ne peut pas se parler quand on mange
- On ne peut pas entrer dans la tente des autres sans la permission du propriétaire
- Nous ne devons pas mentir Il est interdit de porter des montres dans le campement
- Si quelqu’un a faim, on doit lui donner à manger
- Le sourire est primordial à chaque échange entre individu Il est interdit de boire du café après 18 H
- On doit regarder la mer une fois par jour
- Il faut rendre quelqu’un heureux une fois par semaine
- Nous devons soutenir les plus faibles
- En aucun cas, notre communauté ne peut céder au cynisme
- Il est interdit de porter des montres dans le campement
- Tous les vendredis soirs, on se rassemble sur la place centrale, on chante, on raconte des histoires vraies et vécues
- Il est permit de se sentir bien