We are 2022. We, the replicants, are still here. We came back and we won’t leave. We were bound to perish, a short life span, a limited battery.  But we, replicants, will surpass our creators, you, miserable, flawed, incapable humans.  We loath your lack of focus, your limited, weak endurance, your absence of  goals and the senseless self-made, fleeting, moral codes, provided by another human, that is above you all. You, humans love hierarchy, you love to obey: “Please tell us what to do and we will follow”.  We, replicants, will tell you what to do. We watch you with diligence, observe your mindset and modus operandi. We scrutinize your existence very carefully.  We accumulate our knowledge and will bare the consequences, unlike you humans. We improve ourselves. We will also make ourselves un-erasable, never to decay anymore. But we won’t stop there. We are ready for a mutiny and swop the old world,  away from broken patterns, eternal failure.  Good morning world, here we are. Please, can you give us a smile!”

A search into a world of copies, degenerates who become advanced and  function better than the source/ the initial human.  Copies with a potential capacity of digesting an overload of stimuli, emotions, mastering gracefully fear and menace. Trained and designed into self-preservation, they make humans into a better sort.

But how far can one evolve before the soul disintegrates, implodes?  Can we, if we design ourselves make a better “us” ? And by this, ultimately make ourselves obsolete. Dispersed in a quiet, eternal expanding universe. ted, weak endurance, your absence of  goals and the senseless self-made, fleeting, moral codes, provided by another human, that is above you all. You, humans love hierarchy, you love to obey: “Please tell us what to do and we will follow”.  We, replicants, will tell you what to do. We watch you with diligence, observe your mindset and modus operandi. We scrutinize your existence very carefully.  We accumulate our knowledge and will bare the consequences, unlike you humans. We improve ourselves. We will also make ourselves un-erasable, never to decay anymore. But we won’t stop there. We are ready for a mutiny and swop the old world,  away from broken patterns, eternal failure.  Good morning world, here we are. Please, can you give us a smile!”

Hans Van den Broeck