A shortfilm, collaboration with Yves Opstaele, based on the performance (They feed we) Eat,Eat,Eat. This fiction-video follows one main character (Mette Edvardsen), who blocks herself in a hotel room, separated from the group, alone with her fear. The video was selected for the 1999 dance video festival at the Centre Pompidou, Paris.
Year: 2000
Work Type
- Installation
- Video
Cast & Crew
- Direction
- Hans Van den Broeck, Yves Opstaele
- Assistant-directing
- Dirk De Hooghe
- Camera
- Yves Opstaele
- Co-creation & performance
- Palle Dyrvall, Johan Derycke, Mette Edvardsen, Davis Freeman, Martin Nachbar, Ellen Meijer, Lilia Mestre, Abdellah Noukrati,Takeshi Koga, Dirk De Hooghe
- Set Design
- Charles Goethals
- Sound/music
- Dirk De Hooghe
- Photo
- Chris Van der Burght
- Production
- les Ballets C de la B
Co-producers & Collaborations
- Coproduction
- Kunstencentrum Vooruit, Gent (BE)
- With the support of
- Flemish Authorities
Performance Schedule
- 2000 Kunstencentrum Vooruit Gent BE
- 2000 Centre National d’Art et de Culture Georges Pompidou Vidéodanse Paris FR