Tre Systrar

De har kort sagt allt — utom ett jobb.

Men swarm around them, they have money and status.They have short, everything — except a job. Chekhov’s Three Sisters is thrown into a raw contemporaries where mass unemployment and economic crisis could spread like wildfire through Europe.

Att begära Tre systrar — 14

Hans Van den Broeck and Anuschka Von Oppen choreographed  “Att begära tre systrar” by the Swedish director Mellika Melouani Mellani, based on Anton Tsjechov’s “Three Sisters”. They worked in close collaboration with SOIT-performers Anthea Lewis and Abdellah Noukrati and the ensemble of Goteborgs stadstheater.

The piece talks of a word long gone, a bubble of security and privileges soon to be demolished, because at the doorsteps a new crowd is waiting…

Att begära Tre systrar — 5
Att begära Tre systrar — 6
Att begära Tre systrar — 7

Ensemblen är helt fenomenalEnsemblen är helt fenomenal

Att begära Tre systrar — 1
Att begära Tre systrar — 9
Att begära Tre systrar — 11
Hans Van den Broeck